Our Combined Event (previously known as Multi Event) is a Championship event.
What you need to know:
- The Combined Event will consist of five separate events (U/9 – U/15). There will be four events run for our U/6-U/8 athletes but they will not compete for medals.
- To be eligible for the championship medals athletes must compete in all events (see table above)
- An athlete failing to attempt to start or make a trial in one of the individual events will not be entitled to receive a place. It will not prohibit the athlete from competing and scoring points in subsequent events.
- As this is a championship event we cannot mentor/coach the athletes during the events. Reminders and support will be provided to all athletes before the event commences. A breach of this will see athletes disqualified from placing.
- The use by athletes of music devices, mobile phones or similar devices in the competition area shall not be permitted.
- Coaching by officials at an event site is not permitted. It shall not be considered coaching for an official to provide factual feedback to an athlete after a trial in a field event e.g. where the athlete’s foot landed in relation to the take-off area in the long jump.
- All other forms of coaching are not permitted. Any coaching or assistance to athletes delivered from unapproved areas, or by non-authorised persons/coaches, may result in the athlete being disqualified from the event.
- Positive reinforcement of our athletes is always encouraged; however, the following are some examples of non acceptable assistance to athletes by parents/spectators/unauthorised coaches during competition from outside the approved area:
- Assistance in measuring or adjusting run up ▪ Advising athletes of split times during distance races
- Advising athletes of techniques and/or providing technical advice during competition
Only heats will be conducted with points allocated to the performance obtained in the heat, i.e. finals will not be run.
Points are awarded for each performance and will be allocated to each athlete for each individual discipline using Scoring Tables approved by the Organising Body.
Note: All tables have a finite lower limit and as a result an athlete may score zero points, the scoring of zero points does not however exclude an athlete from being placed.