There are a few vacancies in the committee as well as some people taking on multiple roles this season. We welcome any help you think you could offer to the committee. Please feel free to approach any member of the committee, or send us an email if you’d like to know more.
President | Kylie Costa |
Vice President | Helen Foon |
Secretary | Vacant |
Treasurer | Helen Foon |
Registrar | Melanie Pritchard |
Records & Rankings Officer | Records – Vacant, Rankings – Alicia Peters |
Funding Officer | Karyn French |
Arena Officer | Kylie Costa |
Equipment Officer | Vacant |
Education Officer | Kylie Costa |
MPIO | Meanie Pritchard |
General Committee | Lucy Henderson, Bruce Arnold, Hamish West, Caitlin Baghurst, Adam Richards |
Life Members | Chris Fox, Paul Street, Andrew Shepherd, Gaylene Goodwin, Brett Johnstone, Michael Brideson, Nick McLeod, Susan McLeod |
Contact Details
Postal Address: PO Box 194, New Town Plaza, Tasmania 7008
Email Address: